Research at the Department of Psychology is of high international and ethical standards and constitutes on the biggest assets for the department’s profile. The research findings of our faculty receive broad attention not only in academia but also in the society, developing with that way, an outward-looking research profile for the Department.
Researchers in our Department conduct research on topics that span across all areas of psychology, applying different methodological approaches, including experimental designs, longitudinal designs, correlational studies, as well as qualitative approaches such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, and observational studies. Moreover, research at the Department of Psychology has a strong commitment to basic and applied research as well as interdisciplinary research. Finally, our research is characterized by strong and elaborate collaboration with other internationally leading universities not only in Greece but also abroad as such as USA, UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Brazil, Australia, etc.
Our Vision
Our Vision in the Department of Psychology is to develop a noteworthy international research profile, contributing to the advancement of knowledge about human behavior within a wide range of research areas and to the application of that knowledge, using modern theoretical perspectives and advanced methodological and statistical approaches.
Mean h-index per faculty

Mean number of citations per faculty